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Barack Obama Green Charter High School

Excellence is Standard

What's Going on at the Green this Week?

Posted Date: 11/03/24 (7:10 PM)

BOGCS Backdrop with Logo
What's Going on at the Green This Week?
November 4, 2024
2024 Election Day poster
Here is what's going on at the green:
We are CLOSED Tuesday, 11/05 this week for Election Day, encourage all the adults in your life to GET OUT AND VOTE!

Educate yourselves on the candidates and be able to discuss the pros and cons of each of their policies.
HOCO 2024 Flyer
HOCO 2024 Tickets on SALE!!!
Homecoming 2024 is this month, get your tickets during the EARLY BIRD SPECIAL, this week only get your tickets for $7.00. After this week tickets go up to $10.00. Tickets are more at the door, so get your tickets early.

You want to be part of the Homecoming Court? Get awarded the Crown? Make sure you apply HERE:
End of MP1 poster
Marking Period 1 is Ending this week
Have you reviewed your grades, have you handed in your assignments? Students it's important to stay on top of your assignments and keep track of your grades. Make sure you check your grade book and your class attendance. Remember, too many absences in a class can lead to a No Credit (NC) grade.
As always, please wear your uniform daily. Students with uniform infractions can be assigned detention.

All students should bring in their school laptops charged and ready.

Check your email daily to stay abreast of all that goes on in school. If you need to meet with a teacher, administrator or counselor, be prudent and send an email to make an appointment.

Attendance Matters, please be on time to school each day 8am, make sure you are in your class at 8:10am. Remember 2 tardies equals 1 absence and you can lose credit for a class when you have too many absences.

It's time to update LUNCH FORMS! If you have not done so already, it's important for all parents to, log into GENENSIS and be sure to fill out the lunch form and update all information.
Main entrance

[Monday, Nov 4 at 12:02 PM]
Please check your updated Newletter.

[Monday, Nov 4 at 12:08 PM]